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Ignite Learning with
Pixar-Inspired storytelling

World's Most Innovative Badge.webp

Fall registration closes Oct 5th!

Created by Pixar & Khan Academy veterans.

Empower your students to become confident storytellers using the same process used at Pixar.
Turn ordinary projects into extraordinary learning experiences!

What if...

Try our free 'What If' lesson. Spark inquiry and creativity in any subject, any grade.

What If...

  • Historical figures were granted the ability to communicate across time periods?

  • Myths and legends were based on actual events?

  • Pivotal historical events were orchestrated by secret societies with hidden agendas?


  • Lessons from the world's best storytellers
  • Teacher guides, tools & support
  • 21st-Century Skills: communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and digital literacy
  • Peer feedback on student work
  • Showcase student work in final exhibition
  • Aligned to your standards

What we provide

Story Xperiential is a step-by-step, self-paced storytelling program. Students brainstorm, outline, storyboard, and develop their own storyreels with guidance from industry professionals. At each step, they give and receive peer-to-peer feedback, developing as digital citizens. See how it works. 
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Our program culminates with a global exhibition of student work.

Win a Virtual Visit from an industry expert for your classroom!

What teachers and students are saying...

Host a local festival at your school

All students receive certificate of completion

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